Lars (SM7WVZ)

Something about me and my radio hobby:

I was born in Ystad at the Swedish Baltic Sea coast in 1976, but nowadays I
live in Lund together with my lovely wife Irena and our daughter Matilda.
I can not exactly remember then I got into this wonderful hobby, but it has
been going on for a while now... I started off with soldering small electronic 
constructions , and then I got more and more into radio electronics and short-wave listening (SWL), which was my hobby for many years.
 Some years later I got
interested in transmitting as well, so I got  myself an amateur radio licence.
After this, I was inactive for some years due to jobs and other reasons, but now I am back on the radio bands again.

Sometimes I also operate under the call SK7VC, the amateur radio station at Sony-Ericsson Mobile Communications in Lund/Sweden, especially during the 2m SSB 'Nordic Activity Contest' what takes place every first Tuesday of the month. 
Sometimes I also operate SK7CE, the club station of Ham Club Lundensis in Lund. 

Nowadays, with radio communication being available for about hundred years,
it has become a part of everyday life for most people. Still, for me and other
enthusiasts, radio communication will still always be something exciting and
magical and we will continue to explore it by experimenting with radios and
antennas and of course the perplex propagation of the radio waves...

Me and my XYL Irena. 

SK7VC QSL-card.

SK7CE QSL-card.