This is how my small amateur radio corner in Lund looks like: 

My rigs:

Icom IC-703 HF AM/FM/SSB/CW/RTTY-transceiver QRP, 0-10W RF output power.

Yaesu FT-817ND HF AM/FM/SSB/CW/RTTY-transceiver QRP, 0-5W RF output power.

Icom IC-2200H 2m FM-transceiver, 5/10/25/65W RF output power.

Zodiac Profi-6 FM-transceiver, modifed for 10m, 5W RF output power.

Icom T2E 2m FM handheld transceiver, 1/4.5W RF output power.

Icom IC-E7 2m/70cm handheld transceiver, 1.5/1.0W RF output power.

For digi-modes, I am using either a Tigertronics SignaLink USB or a home-built
interface plus a IMD-meter by kk7uq. 

My antennas:

My antennas at home is a Diamond NR-2C at the roof for VHF and an in-door 
multi-band dipole for 20m/15m/10m plus a separate dipole for 30m mounted in 
our attic. I also have a random wire antenna (about 15 meters) used for the
lower bands.

I enjoy experimenting with radio antennas and therefore have a number of
different commercial and home-made antennas for HF and VHF that are used
during radioexperiments and small expeditions out-doors.  

SM7WVZ/p operating with a simple 10m dipole on a
beautiful day in June 2008. In the background is the Baltic Sea.